Thursday, May 22, 2008

Last Day : (

It's true. It's the last day in Siena, and I'm really very upset about it. We've been saying goodbye to all the owners of the places we're regulars, like the coffee shop by school, the local sandwich place, and my favorite bar. We've been saying bye to teachers and buildings, and I have one whole bag packed and ready to go for tomorrow morning (it also ways about the same as a 10 year old child, but hey, that's fine right?) While packing I realized just how much stuff I didn't need. There were shirts and sweaters, pants and shoes that never even made it out of the drawers until now, outfits that went unworn, jackets that just sucked up space. So much waste. I really only needed about 10 shirts and 4 pairs of pants, tops. The only thing that would definitely stay is the number of shoes. How I love them (I've managed to increase my collection by three, but I'm getting rid of 2 pairs so it's almost even. Really.)

Anyway, it's just about time for my last class, and my last instructor goodbye. Last note, I must buy flowers for my host mom/family. Or something at the very least.


A presto, so very very presto.

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