Friday, December 12, 2008


I know it's not New Year's yet, but here's a few things I want to work on.

1. Let shit go. I hold on to things for much longer than I should, and honestly, it's not doing anyone any good. Mostly me. Bottling up all this anger and aggression is just worthless, I hate feeling this way and I never want to feel like this again.

2. Go to the gym. Pretty self explanatory. I want to take better care of myself. Yeah, physical appearance is a factor, but I'm tired of being tired. I want to be able to run forever.

3. Keep up with the work. This finals week has crushed me because I was behind.

4. Make more art. This one should be easy. I'm taking 4 studios before I graduate.

5. Learn to cook healthy. And well.

That's all I've got for the moment.

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