Saturday, January 30, 2010


Snow is probably my second favorite meteorological event.  My first is definitely raging thunderstorms with big flashes of lightning, loud bangs of thunder, and pounding rain, especially if they knock out the power and I don't have anywhere to go.  There's something soothing about sitting in candlelight and listening to rain hit the roof.

Snow, however, is so peaceful in comparison.  I love the quiet that falls over the world when the snow is falling.  I love how pristine it looks, how soft and fluffy it is, and how it falls and sticks to the world.  I love how the moon reflects off it at night and makes everything bright and sparkling.  It never fails to make me feel calmer and more relaxed (this is, of course, when I don't have to shovel it or drive in it). 

I love snow, I love snowmen and sledding and igloos.  It just brings out the 5 year old in me.

So that is all, that is my update on snow, and I know a lot of people are annoyed that it's getting in the way, but try and think about how great it is to snuggle up indoors and watch it fall gently to the ground.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Here's a little list of things I've been thinking about:

1. I'd really like to move out some time soon.  I'm looking into different internships or jobs, but I think the best thing for me to do is to get out of the house and separate myself as much as possible from my parents' situation.  However, I definitely am in need of a new job or in need of working the 40 hours a week to make close to enough to move out.  Even if I added an extra day I'd be better off.

2. Mom treated me to a haircut and color today, and it really made me feel a lot better.  I also think it's really sweet that she understands how a haircut can really brighten a mood.  In all honesty, when I was in high school I was really against makeup and dying your hair.  In a way, I was an ultra purist and felt that makeup and hair dye was some form of "lying" to trick boys into thinking you're prettier than you are.  I know now that is a complete fallacy, even if I don't wear makeup all that much now.  Anyway, I dyed my hair for the first time freshman year, and I loved it.  I went deep red-brown because I had always wanted to be a redhead (and I always wanted green eyes but hazel will have to do) and it was one of those two week wash out things.  Ever since then I've been semi-hooked.  I accidentally dyed it this coke bottle red, which was a disaster, and now I pay someone to do it right.  I've gone as crazy as hot pink tips and I'm slowly working my way into blonde (the stylist is just putting more and more and more highlights in.  Next time we'll be getting rid of my natural color and going for a caramel base.  Good bye dark brown, hello lightened eyebrows).  I feel like dying your hair is like painting a room:  it's the quickest and most easily reversible way to make a drastic change.

3. Cartoons, while they may be mindless, really brighten my mood.  I know that some people think it's immature, but in all honesty, what difference does it make if it relieves stress?  I like zoning out every so often.

4. I started reading "Their Eyes Were Watching God" and I really like it.  The only problem is that she wrote everything that the people say out exactly as it would be pronounced, so it's taking me about 12 times longer to read it because I have to sound out every word in my head to get what she's saying.

5.  I love fluffy towels.  There.  I said it.  And a fluffy towel right out of the dryer is probably the best feeling ever.

6.  My purple toes make me really happy.

7.  I don't know what it is, but for some reason nothing feels hot enough to me today.  My car was parked outside last night, and I think it only pumped out lukewarm air when I had it cranked all the way up to hot on the half hour drive to the hair place.  My feet were freezing (reasons to not wear low cut flats in the winter.  I don't like wearing socks with them but then my feet are freezy) and I could see my breath.  It kicked back in later that day, but it still wasn't as hot as it had been yesterday.  Also, the hot water in my house normally scalds my hands and it didn't get anywhere close to that.

8.  I really want to buy a new straightener.  Specifically, I really want the one my hairdresser uses, but it's like $119.00.  I did find a site that sells it for like $79.00 but that's still more than I want to spend at the moment.  I can hold out for my birthday.

9.  My hair always feels so great after I get it done.  This makes me want to keep touching it, which isn't good because then it will get greasy and gross faster and I'll have to wash it and lose that perfectly styled look.

10.  Tea is the best way to warm me up.  My recent favorites are Mandarin Orange Spice, Green Tea, Nutcracker Sweet, and a tea called Typhoo. 

11.  Sometimes it really bothers me when people are hypocritical.  Then I came to the realization that everyone is at one point in time or another, and I know that I have plenty of idiosyncrasies so I'm trying to just let it go.  

12. I think that Shetland ponies are freaking adorable.  I want to just hug them and their potbellied selves.

13.  I just came to the realization the other day that there are seriously hundreds of things that remind me of my boyfriend, which is kind of crazy.  I made a list for him.  I really like lists.

14.  I have realized that whenever I sit with my feet stretched out, I cross my left leg over my right, and hook my big right toe and left pinkie toe.  This is a really comfortable way for me to sit.  People think it's really weird.

Anyway, that's my update for today, I'd realized I'd been a little more sporatic on the update side, but I'd like to conveniently blame that on the fact that I was at my mom's and didn't have my computer.  And for some reason, writing blogs is something that I feel like I should be doing on my computer because then it's more like my own.

Hope you all are doing well (seriously follow me please it's lonely with just one :( )

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hands, oh Hands

I would love to get a manicure/ hand massage. My poor hands are a wreck at the moment. Today alone I've found eight splinters in my palms, a burn on my left middle finger knuckle, and numerous cuts on my thumbs and back of my hands. There are little bruises from knocking into the machines or hitting myself with tools. My nails are all raggy and dirty from the dust and sandpaper. My skin is dry and my cuticles ate cracking because of the weather. I would love to have a job where I can have pretty painted nails and have them not be ruined in five minutes. That is one thing I missed about school, I always had time to do them and they lasted a decent amount of time. Maybe one day I'll be able to get back into the swing of it.

On a different note, my hands are super strong, and very flexible. My fingers can be all wiggly and I can reach from one key to another key eleven keys up on the piano (apparently it's a giant stretch). I also think that men who work with their hands are really attractive. There is nothing quite like a guy who can take something apart and put it back together, who isn't afraid of getting a little dirty, or can handle a chisel. I just love strong hands. It's just one of those weird things I guess.

Anyway, I suppose that's all for now!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Positives and Negatives

I'm trying really hard right now to not bitch all the time on the internet.  This is kind of hard, especially since this week has been nothing but a stressfest full of unhappy conversations and revelations.

 So, my attempt here is to list some things that I like about what's going on right now, to counter all the negatives that are weighing me down like a steamroller.

Here goes:

1.  I don't feel like the fattest girl at the gym anymore.  This is either because I have lost weight (which the scale tells me I haven't) or that I've gone enough to firm up some of the jiggly bits that I don't like.  I actually like how I look in the mirror at the moment, although I still think I'd look better lighter (and my doctor and therapist would really like to see me there too).

2.  I can run a 12 minute mile while breathing only through my nose.  I don't know why this is an accomplishment, but I think it is.  I like not having to gasp for air like a fish.

3.  There's a possibility that I'll get to do more work on the silver collection at Winterthur.  There are a couple of stipulations: 1. They get the grant to be able to afford it, 2. I get the job, 3. I get another job to supplement excess finances, and 4. I can get an apartment in Wilmington for pretty cheap. I think it's doable.

4.  I had a really good weekend with Matt despite the fact that he had to work both days I was down.  And I also got to feel like his friends don't just put up with me because I'm around, I think they might actually like me just on my own. Woo not being totally annoying all the time.

5.  Matt got me a really cute book called "To Love is to Fly" which is basically the whole story of falling in love accompanied by pictures of penguins (possibly my second favorite animal on earth, a very close race between penguins and otters.  And tigers.)  I like to read it when I miss him, so basically I've been reading it 5 times a day.

6.  I finally watched Dumb and Dumber, and was pleasantly surprised.  Normally I don't like stupid humor (unless it's in cartoons) and sometimes Jim Carrey can be a little too much, but it was totally appropriate for this movie and I was cracking up.  I'm not ashamed.  Also, this lets me be able to understand half of the references the guys at the shop make.

7.  I've been sketching more.  Maybe I'll make a post of sketches I've done.  Chances are I'll be too embarrassed of what I've drawn to actually post it.  I'm hypercritical about my art.  But I do like that I've been drawing more.  I missed it.

8.  I'm thinking about making a copy of an old piece of furniture for my portfolio.  As much as I love my little jewelry box chair, I don't think it's quite enough.  Plus I really want to see how far I can push myself.  I'm thinking something in mahogany, mostly because it's a softer wood that is easier to carve details into.  I'll see what I can dig up.

9.  I think that therapy is going really really well. (I apologize if anyone is uncomfortable reading about that)  I really do think that John is doing a lot of good for me, especially in how I deal with my relationships with my parents during the divorce.  I think I really needed someone to talk to and someone to push me outside of my "dutiful daughter" mindset so that I can really start dealing with who I am and how these things affect me and my relationships.  I also recognize that I have a long way to go, but I'm okay with that as long as the progress is forward, not backwards.  I feel like I'm in a better place that I was before.

10.  I got my pretreatment and post-treatment conservation photos from this summer in the mail.  They look great, and I'm really proud of how they came out.  If it weren't for the possibility that I'd be voiding some kind of copyright, I would post them everywhere to show how awesome it is.  If you're really that interested, I'll haul them down to wherever you are.  Yes.  I am that proud of them.

I suppose I'll stop at 10.  Although that's a little too nice and round of a number for me, I'd rather pop in just one.  Oh well.

Hope everyone else is doing well! And also that I snap out of the WLDs (way low downs) sometime soon.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Other Life Goal/My day today

This'll be nice and short, I promise. I just wanted to add another life goal/resolution to my list.

I would like to lose and keep off 20 pounds. While I love my curves, I wish the outy bits were a little less far out and the inny bits were a little more in. I like my shape, I just don't like my size. Or that number on the scale. Or the fact that I get winded pretty easily. Or that I look like a tank in pictures. ANYWAY, that is what the gym is for, which is where I am going right after this. Honest.

Secondly, this is essentially how my day went today:
Clean, sand, clean some more, organize some stuff, unload 1000 board feet of Alder into the storage shed and shop, organize some more, and time the compressor. The thing I want to talk about is the last thing I did today. I stood out in the unheated open storage shed, phone timer in hand, recording how long it took for the compressor pressure to dip down to the point where it needs to renew. We have a leak in the system, and Tim wanted to know how often it was restarting. He also wanted to know how quickly it took to get back up to proper pressure. It was about 40 degrees out today. I do not like the cold. Just so we all know, it takes 40 minutes and 11 seconds for it to dip down, and another minute and a half to refill.

I did, however, get to dance like a fiend to keep warm and it was awesome, even if I couldn't feel my hands.

Ok, to the gym with me!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Life and Other Things

I thought I'd just list a few of the things I'd like to do with my life. I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do and what's important to me. These aren't in any particular order, it's just part of the muddle in my noggin.

Things I'd Like to Do with My Life:
1. Be an art conservator. It's what I went toschool for and I think it's a fascinating field. The only problems are the amount of schooling I need to do, the working with dangerous chemicals, the high levels of stress and the high profile work. I'm interested in furniture and objects and I've always loved museums.

2. Be an art historian. I minored in art history, and while I love art, art history gives the background and quirky stories that I love too. While not as hands on as art conservation, it still gives me plenty of reason to hang out at museums and stare at art. Plus it'll give me plenty of reason to write which is one of my favorite thing to do.

3. Be an art history or art conservation professor or guidance counselor. Essentially, I might just want to teach my passion instead of do it. Mold young minds and the like.

4. Make sculptures. I love building and carbon and making things. I think it'd be great to be able to actually support myself on my
art alone. Plus I've always wanted a studio.

5. Make replica antiques. I like furniture a lot, and anyone who saw my jewelry box knows my interest in quirky antique style. I really enjoyed building it although I didn't like the deadline being so soon. I think I'd like doing that for a living too, where I make modern replicas of antiques so that collectors can have the look they want and the museums can keep the actual antiques for the public to see.

6. Deal with antiques or be a buyer. Pretty self explanatory, but I think it'd be fun to go around to places lookin for the best examples of different things.

7. Get married. I really want to be married, more specifically I really want to marry the person I'm with. I just don't think I'm in the right place right now to do that, but maybe in a year or two or so I'll be ready.

8. Have kids. 2, Hannelore Elizabeth and Christopher James. I don't know what it is, but lately I've been really convinced that I should
have kids and that I'd really do ok. Not for a hood long while, mind you, but one day. When I'm 29. Or 30.

9. Travel. I like going places I've never been and seeing places. I also really like knowing where things are, zo it's a litle Botox a contradiction.

I also came up with a little list of things I'd like to do before I die:
1. Take a roadtrip crosscountry
2. Visit all 50 states
3. Go back to Italy
4. Learn to surf/windsurf
5. Go to the Greek Isles
6. Write a book
7. Sell a piece of my own art
8. Make a table
9. Carve something to completion
10. Go to Egypt to see the pyramids
11. Learn how to cook really well

alright, that's it for now!

Monday, January 18, 2010

My "Mild" OCD Internet

This is my morning/daily routine, as far as the internet is concerned. Be afraid.

6:00 am- Alarm goes off. I turn it off, text "I love you" to Matt (unless he beats me to it like he did this morning), then check my email. If there is nothing leading me to another site, I check my twitter app.

6:05-6:20- Check webcomics in alphabetical order according to url, feel free to check them out:
Candi Comics- 
           Story of a college art major and her friends.  The art is sort of quirky and childish, but it fits the story and I like it.  MTRF updates.  Very consistent.
           (I've been a little disappointed as of late, it's a gamer comic and I just don't really care all that much.  Plus a lot of random and dramatic things happen to the main character, but I won't stop checking it because it's in my flow.  Also, I know it's out of alphabetical order, but they just changed the url it used to be something or another.  So no, not wrong, just used to the way I've been doing it for years.) MWF updates.  Very consistent.
Order of the Stick-
           D&D-esque adventure with stick figures.  I really like the story line but he almost never updates, so it's maybe once a week.  I check daily because, well, I do.  I think there's personal health issues or something involved, and if so, I hope he gets better!
Least I Could Do-
       Rayne is a manwhore and I love him.  That is probably the only time I will ever say that, but the art is well done and the storyline makes me laugh.  Plus, his niece is adorable. Updates everyday, very consistent with a special "Beginnings" section on Sundays that are more like Calvin and Hobbes, one of my all time favorites.
Penny and Aggie-
        High school story, it's progressed greatly in it's storyline, although I feel like I've kind of outgrown it.  It's sort of taking a less-interesting turn now that the two nemesis are getting along. Updates MWF, very consistent.
PvP Online-
        Another gamer comic that I really like a lot.  It's turned more into a story about the characters, and I really like Scott Kurtz's work and art.  It's been a pleasure to read and I absolutely love Scratched Fury.  Updates M-F, consistently with little blips when there are outside emergencies.
Questionable Content-
        There are no words for how much I love this comic.  It's basically a real life scenario, but I love the characters and the art has gotten so great since panel one, it's been great to read.  It also has one of my favorite panels of all time in it, especially since I used to do this all the time at college: Panel 4 is the greatest thing of my life. Updates M-F, significantly more regularly than it did before, which makes me really happy.  Even if it doesn't update, he at least tries to fill in with some kind of "explanation" filler comic, ie the Yelling Bird.

6:20-6:25- Online Adorable  -LOLCats.  LOVE THEM. Essentially the same thing, but with dogs.

6:25-6:30- Facebook
First I check Restaurant City, feed my people, pick up the trash, and fix whatever is broken.  I then go down the line of friends' restaurants and help them to get my experience.
I then go to Farmville, where I just check my farm.

Curse profusely as I run to brush my teeth and get dressed.

6:40-6:55- make lunch, eat breakfast, wake up.

6:55- 7:00- leave house to make it to work by 7:30.

I will recheck twitter and my email at least 3 times during the work day.

When I get home I recheck twitter, my email, write a blog, or read a blog, stalk on facebook for a little, feed my people on restaurant city, help my neighbors on farmville, harvest what I need to and then text and tweet random crap.  Also, if there are any sites I missed or didn't update on time, I recheck to see if things have changed since I was at work.  Also, if I know a comic doesn't update on a certain day, I skip over it to the next one on the alphabetical list.  This means that Thursdays I'm almost never late for work, while Mondays I almost always am (even if no one really knows it because it's like 3 minutes late and I'm there 10 minutes before everyone else).

So there.  Tah-dah! OCD :)


PS I've been trying for 20 minutes to find my favorite panel, but QC is really slow tonight :(

Life Goals

This one will be quick, although the title seems to indicate differently.

Dad and I had a long talk/argument earlier about what I'm doing with my life, and I think it'll really help me (he thinks so too) to make a plan and have some options.

So tomorrow, that's what I'm going to do. I'll probably post it up here later, just so I have it somewhere in case I lose the piece of paper.

Night all!

PS I was accosted by Girl Scouts the second I got home from work. I bought a box of Tagalongs (Peanutbutter Patties)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Awkward positions

I love coming down to Salisbury. Despite the long drive and the occassional idiot driver, I really enjoy being down here. I really like the people I see here and I like the things we do, but I find myself sort of in a weird position. This weekend Matt had to work Saturday, so I've had two days where I've had to entertain myself. I want to call people up to hang out but I realized one, I don't have any numbers, and two, I don't really know if anyone would want to. I feel very much like the friends here and Matt's friends, and I like them all but I haven't had much one on one time with any of them and wouldn't know how hanging out would go. The other thing is that everyone has been friends with everyone since middle or high school, and that's a really hard thing to break in to. I've been coming down here for over a year and I still don't know half of the references or stories and it's hard to feel involved with the conversation or feel like I really belong because I'm on the outside.

I know it's kind of silly. But I really do wish I had friends here for this reason. It hasn't been a bad weekend, not by any means, but I feel like I wish I had someone else to keep me company on days like today.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Random Memory

I was flipping through my high school yearbooks because I'm a little bit of a stalker on facebook and saw that a girl I knew of in high school had gotten married and I couldn't remember her name. This is my life. Anyway, I started to read through some of the things that people had written me, and I came to realize that high school was really not all that bad. I had some good friends and some great teachers. This, however, has nothing to do with that.

One of my best friends on earth is Brooke. I've known her for what seems like forever but she and I became really close in high school. This incident didn't happen then, but she wrote in one of her notes "PS. Liz to Pick Dandelions- Mr. Cook."

I had completely forgotten about it until I read it.

One day during 8th grade, when it was warm and pleasant out, I think towards the end of the year, I was sitting in my science class with my teacher Mr. Miller (I believe). It was warm enough to have the windows open, and in flies a yellow jacket. I'm terrified of bees. Absolutely terrified. Unluckily for me it decided to land right in my hair and refused to budge. Mr. Miller told me to hold still, and he swatted the bee out of my hair onto the ground and smooshed it with a book. In the process, he got stung and his finger swelled up immediately.

The next period was social studies, I was still freaking out from the whole bee thing and my friend Brooke happened to have both classes with me and recounted the whole thing to my teacher, Mr. Cook. He asked if I had thanked Mr. Miller, and I said that I had, but he insisted that I bring him a flower. So he wrote me a note- "Liz to Pick Dandelions- Mr. Cook."

That's right. I got a pass to go and pick flowers during class. Mr. Miller was appreciative, and it sort of became a running joke. I'd completely forgotten about it and laughed for a good minute or so just thinking about it.

Ah, middle school. That's the life.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Complain complain

I absolutely hate living alone. I'm bored, I'm lonely, and in all honesty, I'm a pretty big slob when it's just me around because I get lazy. I don't have anyone to pick up for or have the house look nice for, so I just don't. It is not good.

And I talk to myself. A lot. HELP ME.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

One more resolution

This one's more for life in general, and hopefully one I can hang on to.

My mom and I were on our way home from the British Bell Tea Room down in Newark, De for lunch, when the subject of our family came up.  It's really hard to feel comfortable around us.  As my sister says, "You have to be able to take it" if you want to make it in our family, but both my mom and I agree that it's totally unnecessary for us to even be the way we are.

My family is really sarcastic.  We make snarky comments, we banter a lot, there are a lot of snide remarks made.  We get a kick out of other people's misfortunes or short comings and you know what? I'm sick of it.  I think it's really screwed us up somehow, and I don't know how we got to be this way.  I think it's part of where my trust issues come from.  Partly because I prefer to be independent and have a hard time trusting people to do things as well as I could, and partly because if you're in that kind of environment you can never really let your guard down because you don't know what's going to be thrown back at you later.  You don't want to be caught off guard or give anyone more fodder for the shame-cannon and you certainly don't ever want to be the butt of the joke.  This has trickled into other parts of my life, from friends to significant others.  I don't let my guard down because I don't want it to be used against me, and all I've ever known is that you put it out there and they'll use it against you.

This is something I want to work on.  I want to cut that out of my life and my interactions with people.  It's gotten to the point where I have a storehouse of things about people that, should the time arise, I can whip out and use.  I won't say I've never done it because I have and I'm really ashamed of that.  That's the ultimate betrayal, and I wish I could have just kept my mouth shut.  So that's my new resolution, be kinder and more sincere with people.  Trust more, cut less. 


Friday, January 8, 2010

A few little thoughts

I'm about to go and shovel the snow off of my driveway, so I thought I'd procrastinate, I mean, share some thoughts.

Firstly, I really do love snow. I think it's beautiful and makes the world look so peaceful.  I hate snow when it becomes dirty, frozen, nastiness that makes it hard to drive or walk or anything.  I also hate when it gets into your socks and your feet get all cold and snowy.  I do like, however, that it becomes a really good reason to curl up by a fire and drink cocoa, with loads of marshmallows, and do absolutely nothing. This is not going to happen today, which makes me a little sad.

Second- I'm going to the gym at least 6 times in the next 10.  I'm determined.  I'm annoyed that my first forage into doing something good for myself ended up with me being violently ill for two days.  I thought I'd done a really good job, packing veggies and tuna, a healthy and filling lunch, only to have it thrown back at me 6 hours later.  So here's to a healthier 2010 starting today.  And sticking with it.

Thirdly- I miss Matthew.  It's not a good thing, I miss him all the time and it's harder because he's running through my head every 15 minutes with something he's said or done.  On top of it all, cold weather makes me extra cuddly, and the 9 stuffed animals on my bed just do not cut it as far as making up for him. He makes me really happy, normally, and I figure if I have found someone who makes me happy despite all the bullshit that's going on in my life right now between my parents, living at home, work being a disaster, the terror of finding a new job, applying for grad schools, and making something of myself, that I should roll with that and be happy.  It's rare that you can find someone who can do that, much less do it as well as he can.  He has a way of making my overwhelming problems look not so bad, which I think is a good thing.

Fourthly- On a downer, I'm pretty sure I'm still in my "Young and Stupid" phase, despite what I've thought or believed.  I feel sometimes that at 22 I'm more than capable of living on my own and having my own life and not making more mistakes, but when I think about it or other people and their decisions, I sit and think "OH MY GOD, she's only 22? How young to be making such a monumental decision." And then I sit and think "oh hi there ms. hypocrite."  The rest of my life seems like an awfully long time, and it seems like it's not such a big deal to wait and see what happens with things and jobs and school.  On a terrifying note, my mom, at my age, was engaged, and would be married in 6 months.  SCARY. In another 4 years, she'd have kids.

Alright, ladies and gents, I think that's all I have for now. Except for one little plea to please follow me, because that button looks awfully lonely on the side there all by itself.

Later all!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ungh, the flu?

Still feeling like crap. Maybe it wasn't just the tuna, I'm concerned it's something worse. No fever yet. Stomach is still off. Merrrrrrrr.

New Year, New Look

For all of you, or whoever of you, actually read this, TahDah! New layout design.  I was getting bored of the other one, since it's been like that since... well since I first made this Spring of junior year.  Also, thanks to the wonderful people at blogspot help, and to the fact that I remembered to forward my UDel email to my new account, I am finally able to have administrative control over my blog.  (I created it with my school email, only to have them kick me off the email after I graduated.  I never switched the rights over to my new account, although I had attached the gmail to the blog earlier this year.  I had forgotten my old password, but luckily the UDel address forwarded so I could change it. Yay!)

So yes.  This is the new look.


Tuna, Oh Tuna

I'm never EVER eating Tuna again. At least not the one I made. Or at the very least that brand of tuna. I have never been that sick off of just food.

On the bright side at least it's out of my system now. And I can stop worrying that taking a sip of water is going to kill me.

On an even brighter side, my eyes haven't gotten any worse! That's pretty exciting since I'm practically blind as it is. This may make me a candidate for laser eye surgery down the road, provided 1. I'm cleared for it and 2. I can stand being awake for the surgery. I think I'm going to have more problems with the second half than the first. The fact that you have to be awake and looking at it freaks me out, which means I will most likely be a slave to glasses and contacts for the rest of my life. It's all good, I've been thinking about getting new frames for my glasses, but since I'm broke I probably won't be doing that since my prescription is more or less fine. I think it may be off ever so slightly, but not enough for me to really notice. This is actually really great because for a while there I was coming in every 6 months to a year starting in elementary school, and every time I came in my eyes were worse (This is also partially because I'm a freak and for a while if I couldn't read things at like 40 feet I'd go screaming to my eye doctor saying AH I'M BLIND).

Also, apparently reading by the night light when I was little didn't do a thing to my eyes. My DNA did.


Night all!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A new year, a new perspective

Happy 2010, everybody.

Bear with me, I'm trying to write a post on my phone, it's already proved more difficult than I imagined.

It's that time of year again when we make promises to ourselves which, for the most part, fallthrough after a few weeks. Having failed several times, I've decided that my resolutions should be monthly, not yearly. That is my goal. Some of them will carry into other months, especially ones that I've failed in previous months. Maybe if I keep things short term I'll be better off.

Here's hoping.

For this month:
1. Eat better. This means more vegetables, less cheeseburgers. I'm also tring to cut out as much fast food as I can. It shouldn't be too bad, I got a new cookbook for Christmas and I'll start making lunches the night before so I won't be too lazy and end up ordering crap. I also want to cut down on the amount of snacking I do and drink more water.

2. Excercise more. I want to go to the gym or go for a walk or do somehing at least 4 days a week. I'm tired of feeling heavy and seeing that number on the scale. I can't sit still for any longer. It makes me cranky.

3. Be more pleasant. I think eating better and exercising more will help this. I tend to get really cranky and annoyed, and I tend to take that out on the people I care about. I also need to find a better way to release my stress.

4. I want to apply to a job each week. And study for the gres and chem.

Alright, that's it! Best of luck :)