Friday, January 29, 2010


Here's a little list of things I've been thinking about:

1. I'd really like to move out some time soon.  I'm looking into different internships or jobs, but I think the best thing for me to do is to get out of the house and separate myself as much as possible from my parents' situation.  However, I definitely am in need of a new job or in need of working the 40 hours a week to make close to enough to move out.  Even if I added an extra day I'd be better off.

2. Mom treated me to a haircut and color today, and it really made me feel a lot better.  I also think it's really sweet that she understands how a haircut can really brighten a mood.  In all honesty, when I was in high school I was really against makeup and dying your hair.  In a way, I was an ultra purist and felt that makeup and hair dye was some form of "lying" to trick boys into thinking you're prettier than you are.  I know now that is a complete fallacy, even if I don't wear makeup all that much now.  Anyway, I dyed my hair for the first time freshman year, and I loved it.  I went deep red-brown because I had always wanted to be a redhead (and I always wanted green eyes but hazel will have to do) and it was one of those two week wash out things.  Ever since then I've been semi-hooked.  I accidentally dyed it this coke bottle red, which was a disaster, and now I pay someone to do it right.  I've gone as crazy as hot pink tips and I'm slowly working my way into blonde (the stylist is just putting more and more and more highlights in.  Next time we'll be getting rid of my natural color and going for a caramel base.  Good bye dark brown, hello lightened eyebrows).  I feel like dying your hair is like painting a room:  it's the quickest and most easily reversible way to make a drastic change.

3. Cartoons, while they may be mindless, really brighten my mood.  I know that some people think it's immature, but in all honesty, what difference does it make if it relieves stress?  I like zoning out every so often.

4. I started reading "Their Eyes Were Watching God" and I really like it.  The only problem is that she wrote everything that the people say out exactly as it would be pronounced, so it's taking me about 12 times longer to read it because I have to sound out every word in my head to get what she's saying.

5.  I love fluffy towels.  There.  I said it.  And a fluffy towel right out of the dryer is probably the best feeling ever.

6.  My purple toes make me really happy.

7.  I don't know what it is, but for some reason nothing feels hot enough to me today.  My car was parked outside last night, and I think it only pumped out lukewarm air when I had it cranked all the way up to hot on the half hour drive to the hair place.  My feet were freezing (reasons to not wear low cut flats in the winter.  I don't like wearing socks with them but then my feet are freezy) and I could see my breath.  It kicked back in later that day, but it still wasn't as hot as it had been yesterday.  Also, the hot water in my house normally scalds my hands and it didn't get anywhere close to that.

8.  I really want to buy a new straightener.  Specifically, I really want the one my hairdresser uses, but it's like $119.00.  I did find a site that sells it for like $79.00 but that's still more than I want to spend at the moment.  I can hold out for my birthday.

9.  My hair always feels so great after I get it done.  This makes me want to keep touching it, which isn't good because then it will get greasy and gross faster and I'll have to wash it and lose that perfectly styled look.

10.  Tea is the best way to warm me up.  My recent favorites are Mandarin Orange Spice, Green Tea, Nutcracker Sweet, and a tea called Typhoo. 

11.  Sometimes it really bothers me when people are hypocritical.  Then I came to the realization that everyone is at one point in time or another, and I know that I have plenty of idiosyncrasies so I'm trying to just let it go.  

12. I think that Shetland ponies are freaking adorable.  I want to just hug them and their potbellied selves.

13.  I just came to the realization the other day that there are seriously hundreds of things that remind me of my boyfriend, which is kind of crazy.  I made a list for him.  I really like lists.

14.  I have realized that whenever I sit with my feet stretched out, I cross my left leg over my right, and hook my big right toe and left pinkie toe.  This is a really comfortable way for me to sit.  People think it's really weird.

Anyway, that's my update for today, I'd realized I'd been a little more sporatic on the update side, but I'd like to conveniently blame that on the fact that I was at my mom's and didn't have my computer.  And for some reason, writing blogs is something that I feel like I should be doing on my computer because then it's more like my own.

Hope you all are doing well (seriously follow me please it's lonely with just one :( )

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