Thursday, March 11, 2010

Long Time, No See

I would like to blame my lack of blogging on the fact that I haven't really been near a computer recently, or at least at a computer long enough to write a post.  Also, I have nothing of great interest to write about beyond the normal complaining about my life.

Anyway, here are today's two topics: Ramblin', and Freckle.


I've discovered that I really do a lot better when I'm not in my house.  I find that days are boring, I go to work, go to the gym, sit and have dinner with Dad, watch a minimal amount of TV, and at the stroke of 10, I'm in bed to do it all over again. 

Granted, I like the gym, and my father can be good company, but this kind of  lifestyle tends to make me a shut in because it's a routine I can stick to.  I do love a good routine, although sometimes they make me crazy.  The difficulty is that by the time I get home and get some kind of exercise in, or even just showered, it's practically time to eat anyway, and I normally don't like going and doing things late at night because I like getting my 8 hours of sleep in order to be functional the next day.  No one really calls me either, so I figure no one really wants to see me, so I tend to not call them because I figure if they wanted to see me they would call.  It's a stupid system.

ANYWAY, that is not my point.  My point is that I have been getting out a little bit more.  I've spent a couple of nights out at my sister's place in Reading, which was a lot of fun because my sister is much more social than I am and she gets me out of my shell.  It's been really good, I've been out with my mom and down to see Matt a lot recently, and we normally get to go out a little bit then.  I need people to drag me out of my homebody shell.  I would be mostly content with just sitting at home reading a book, but I'd rather go out and see people and remember that I am, y'know, a relatively likable person. 

The only downside to all of this traveling is that in the past 3 weeks, I've slept in my own bed 3 or 4 times.  I do miss being able to be in my own space after a while, but I guess it's ok if I get out and get some social interaction.  On a side note, there are 3 things people can do to help prevent Alzheimer's: Eat healthy, Exercise, and Be Social.  I just thought that was interesting.


I got a freckle removed on Tuesday and it has been a complete misery.  I was told it would be minimally painful and that most people could go back to work the very same day that they get it taken off.  LIARS.  I haven't been in to work since, I've spent most of my time lying down or sitting seriously slouched because any kind of "squat" positioning or walking or going up and down stairs is irritating and uncomfortable unless I readjust how I do everything.  It's also really disgusting looking and I cried when I first saw it because it looked so disfiguring.  I've gotten kind of used to it, but I still think it's ugly, and I can't wait for it to heal enough for me to not hate it.  I get the biopsy results sometime next week, so hopefully this whole process will be worth it.

Anyway, I think that's all for me today! I'm off to Matt's in a couple of hours, so that's something to look forward to!

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