Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pet Peeves

Okay, it's really only one pet peeve right now.  Grammar, or the complete and total lack of it on the internet.

Basic rules (things that should have been taught in elementary school but have somehow been forgotten)
1. There are differences between "there" "they're" and "their," "too" "to" and "two," "right" and "write" and all the other ones that get mixed up. 

2. If you are describing how an action makes you feel, the verb 9 times out of 10 should have an s at the end.
ex: Writing this makes me happy. Reading improper grammar annoys me. Having these pet peeves drives me crazy. The only exception is if the second half of the phrase is expressing something in the future (Writing incorrectly will drive me mad).

3. Abbreviations drive me nuts.  You has 3 letters.  Express yourself with intelligence.  Please.

4. While I'm fairly certain that both examples are "grammatically acceptable," one does make you sound like more of an ass than the other.
I haven't eaten today vs. I've not eaten today.  To me, the second one sounds pompous, and I cannot explain why.

5. A lot is two words.  Check it out on spell check. 

6. Lastly, if you don't know how to spell it, and you're writing it on the internet, please just go and check it on  It takes 3 seconds, and it spares you from having to phonetically spell out whatever it is you are trying to say. This does not apply to text messages, since that relies mostly on your prior knowledge of how to spell a word.

Rant over. 

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