Lots of life changes have been going on over the past week. Let's do a list!
1. I quit my job. Last Thursday was my last day at work for either Bill or Winterhouse. I think it's a good feeling, I won't have to be up at 6 am every morning. Granted, I'm only going to be working for my dad, and it's probably going to be work that I don't particularly enjoy, but I'll be paid well and I'll be able to get out of the house.
2. Speaking of getting out of the house, I moved my first load of things into my new room(s). I have two bedrooms in a little house down in Newark. One I'm using for a studio/office/library, the other is just my straight bedroom. I'm still working on the whole "how all my stuff is going to fit into two little rooms" thing, but I think I can get everything in to where it needs to be. Fingers crossed.
3. I'm heading out to California!!! I'm leaving on Wednesday morning and coming back late on Sunday. I'm excited, I haven't spent any time out there at all and it'll be really good to see my brother. Plus, he knows how to have a good time and will know where to go to loosen up a little.
4. I'm thinking about getting a job at Applebee's, Mary makes good money, and all of my roommates work there. It'd be kind of fun to try, just for a little. If I don't get anything else by August, I'll do that.
Quirks, Likes, and other things:
1. Honeysuckle, fresh baked blueberry muffins, and the smell after a summer thunderstorm are three of my favorite smells on earth.
2. I graduated from school exactly one year ago yesterday. I find it a little funny that on this day last year I was frantically packing up all of my things to move home, now I'm packing frantically to move out of it. I think it's a more positive thing than coming home ever was.
3. I love having things organized but I'm way too lazy to keep it up. I really need to have a thing once a week where I can just pick up whatever I need to and reorganize my life. Routines do me well.
4. There are NO LA Fitnesses in Delaware. Guess I'm canceling my subscription and finding a new gym/rejoining hot yoga.
I guess that's all there is for now. I don't have much else to talk about and this whole post has been pretty disjointed. I'm feeling hopeful and excited about what is going to happen next in my life, I can't wait to see where it takes me.
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