Sunday, June 13, 2010

Quick Hello, then back to letters


I'm taking a little break from unpacking all of my stuff.  I moved all of my larger stuff down yesterday in the company pickup truck, which I have lovingly named "The Boss."  If they didn't get such crap gas mileage and if they had better turning radii I would absolutely get a pickup to joyride in.  Y'know, when I have enough money to have a car to joyride in. 

As of right now all of my housemates are out at work.  This seems to be the normal trend, they'll more or less all be waiter/waitressing by the time I get home from my 830-5 job.  I leave the house around 7-715, get home around 630-7, most of them work the evening shift, so they'll leave around 4-5, and get home around 12.  I'm in bed by 11 at the latest... so pretty much the only time I'll see them is if they have off or a random weekend morning/late night. 

This process has been a little sad for me.  This is where Matt and I were supposed to make our first "home."  I know if he was here he'd be my company because he'd be working normal hours like I do. Dealing with the loneliness is the hardest part. 

I do like my solitude though.  Maybe this will give me enough time or an excuse to get some art projects underway.  I have 4 canvasses that are begging to be played with, as well as a blank sketchbook that needs to be worked on.  I'm also planning on studying for my second crack at the GREs and to put together my portfolio and applications for grad school.  OH, and look for a real job (not that Dad's isn't a real job, it's just that I'm guaranteed work only through the summer.  Not. Good.)

This is also the first June I've ever spent in Newark.  We'll see how it goes.

Back to unpacking for me, back to your regularly scheduled programming for you.

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