Well, the real work starts tomorrow.
It's been a little bit of a crazy set of weeks, I've been spending a lot of time adjusting and trying to get my bearings in a new city. On top of that, I'm trying to adjust to a different life style as well, which is going... ok. I never really knew how inept this whole move would make me feel. It's like being back at square one from just the basics. It took me ages to figure out the oven, which still terrifies me, and the washing machine is no better. It's the little things that I just took for granted to know how to do that are really coming back to kick me in the ass. Additionally, my entire room looks like a disaster area because all of the drying racks (that's right, no dryer, although I guess I should just be happy that I don't have to haul my dirty laundry all over creation) were being used by one of my roommates. I have no idea which, but I'm seriously considering investing in one just for me.
That brings me to the other issue. Part of me wants to make this feel like "home," but it seems like a wasted effort when I'll be moving less than 4 months from now. Is it worth investing in any kind of furniture? Do I really want to have more stuff to haul around? It's gotten to the point where I don't even want to go buy another pillow even if I think it'll help me sleep better just because I don't want to move more crap.
It's probably dumb.
On the bright side, the people in my major seem really nice. There's a nice variation in interest and experience so I think it'll be good to get to know everyone. The only thing that keeps eating away at me is the fact that there's too many of us in the first year program to make the second year program. There just aren't enough spots. Just about everyone that I've talked to is really interested in going on to the MSc, and wether we like it or not, we're all vying for the same limited amount of spots. It is a competition, no way around it. Which means I should really stop being such a lazy ass and finish my readings for Wednesday and get over to the museum to see the exhibits I'm supposed to write a paper on. I'll get there. Just give it time.
I had a really nice week with Steph here, it was great to spend some time with her and be around family. We even got to see the majority of the English cousins, which was awesome. They're just such good people. It's nice knowing I have someone looking out for me over here.
Anyway, I'm off to the grocery store to see what I can possibly throw together that marginally resembles a meal.
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