Saturday, October 10, 2009


The fact that I'm 22 has nothing to do with this post.

I personally need to feel like I'm loved. I need signs of affection. I need little things throughout the day that say "hey, I'm thinking about you." or "Love you" just to reinforce whatever it is I believe about my relationship.

When I don't get that, it hurts. When I bring up that I don't get that and it upsets me, and I get a noncommital reply, that also hurts.

Yes, I'm passive aggressive. Yes, I'm a lot of work because of my own insecurities. Yes, you're probably going to be mad when you read this but honestly, what point was there in having this conversation with you again? We've talked about it a dozen times and yet I still have to have this talk. I still have to say "Hey, I really love hearing from you. It'd be great if you did it more. I'm insecure, long distance makes that harder, for me to feel close to you I need to have some kind of contact with you during the day that isn't always initiated by me."

I'm pissed. I feel ignored. I feel neglected. And I feel like guys just don't get it no matter how plain you put the reasons for why you want them to do something. It feels like every time I say something, it gets a temporary fix that makes me happy, then it goes right back to where it was.


That's all folks.