Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas :)

Christmas is by far my favorite time of the year. Lately it's been harder and harder to get into the holiday spirit (especially since this is the first year where my parents are split. It's been a little weird knowing what is still ok and what isn't), but I finally clicked into it on Tuesday. I finished my shopping, I finished my wrapping, a last minute gift for somebody special showed up earlier than I thought it was going to, and my boyfriend has been surprising me a little more and more every day with how wonderful he is.

I love the holidays. It's a time where we can put aside whatever problems there are and just love each other and not worry about what might happen. Family gets along better, relationships go better, it's just better all around. And, for the first time since I've been little, we actually had a white Christmas (Also one of my favorite Christmas movies of all time. They had a 24 hour marathon of it yesterday. Made. My. Day.) Watching my dog try and figure out what the cold white stuff is is absolutely hysterical, she's so funny.

I'm excited for next week, too. I have off all week and so does Matt, and I can't wait to actually spend a good chunk of time with him without both of us having other things to worry about or work to do. I'm excited to bring down cookies and truffles, and for us to go to Atlantic City for a few days. I'm just happy that I'm getting to see him and to spend time with him. This whole relationship has turned out much better than I could have imagined. The whole beginnings of us being a couple was sort of a "try it out and see, keep it fun and as lighthearted as possible." I never expected it to turn into what it has. I was so set against finding anyone in the Salisbury area, especially because of how the last few attempts turned out that I never really let myself think that this could be anything more than something fun. But then we started to get to know each other really well, and I got to see sides of him I didn't know existed. I got to see how sweet and dependable he is, and how good he is at calming me down and cheering me up. I never really saw it coming, but he has turned out to be the person I've been looking for. He has all the traits that I've always wanted. He treats me the way I've wanted to be treated. He loves me the way that I've always wanted to be loved. What's even better is that I don't feel like it's a dependent relationship. We're with each other because we want to be with each other, not because we need the other to survive. Granted, if something were to happen, I'm sure we'd both be devastated, but I don't feel like he'd be completely lost without me, just like I don't think I'd be lost without him. I think it's a good thing, I think we compliment each other well and bring out the good in each other. I like to think we're better people when we're together. The fact that it even happens sort of baffles me every day. I never expected that the one person I kept in touch with on almost a daily basis in Italy would turn out to be more than just a good friend who was there for me when I didn't really have anyone else.

I love it. I love this feeling and I love that I look forward to it as much as I do. I love hearing from him and seeing bits and pieces of him in everything I see. It's amazing how someone infuses themselves into every little bit of your life, how the smallest things can remind you of something they've said or done. I'm really happy and I was certain that I would never find this happiness again, much less be happier than I had been before. That's the trouble with first loves, you tend to put them up on a pedestal, only to find that the pedestal is much shorter than you remember, not so shiny, and not all the great. I'm glad that I've found something more fulfilling, and I can't wait to see where it goes :)

Merry Christmas everyone,

PS I got a coffeemaker and I'm so excited about it!